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Digitisation and digital transformation – the digital processing and representation of information and the changes triggered by it, such as the automation of work and the development of artificial intelligence – are omnipresent today and involve both uncertainty as well as opportunities and possibilities.

However, change and transformation in society is quite natural. It is actually impressive that we have made it over the past 250 years, from the First Industrial Revolution and the invention of the steam engine to Industry 4.0 and networked vehicles.

Digitisation is an important factor in being competitive today. This applies to individual employees as well as to companies and entire countries. While companies need to be innovative, quick to implement and courageous in order to keep up, employees need to acquire the skills that are needed in the Working Environment 4.0.

For companies, successful implementation of digitisation means improved performance, cost savings, the emergence of new business models and more satisfied customers. However, they need to pay more attention to data protection rules, design an appropriate digitisation strategy, invest in new information and communication tools, and provide appropriate training and flexible working conditions for employees.

Employees benefit from being more flexible in terms of time and place, being able to better combine work and family life and not having to take company holidays or similar factors into account when planning their travel. In addition, digitisation gives them more personal responsibility. However, this also means increasing pressure. The knowledge of having to be constantly available and the increasing blurring of working hours and leisure time can lead to a decline in quality of life and, in the worst case, to burnout. Employees are also called upon to make their own efforts in terms of lifelong learning and modern IT equipment.

With regard to the labour market, it is important to know that manual activities will tend to become less important in the future, whereas cognitive activities will become more important. In addition to IT specialists, there will also be a great demand for nurses, medical staff, teaching staff and technicians in the future. It is difficult to predict what the future of digitisation will look like. Nevertheless, it is obvious that we are all called upon to help shape it.

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